Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ad Retargeting #1

The original ad is from Rolling Stone magazine and is for healing music by the self-help bald guitar player Dr. Joe Vitale.

The original ad is targeted to old people with personal issues and uses the slogan "What is healing music?" to catch their attention.

I would re-target the ad for a Heavy Metal magazine aimed at kids to young adults who listen to headbanging music.

The slogan would say "What is death music" and Dr. Vital would be dressed in all black holding an electric guitar instead of an acoustic guitar.

The album titled "Strut!" would be changed to "Slut!" and the album titled "Blue Healer" would be "Drug Healer".

By changing the artists clothing, guitar and the names of his albums the ad could be transformed into marketing younger heavy metal listeners rather than old people with self-help issues.

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